Thursday, February 14, 2013

A Little Valentine's Day Fun!

Happy Valentine’s Day.  I hope you enjoy your time today with whomever the sweethearts are in your life…….your significant other or your children or your puppies.    I hope you get a little extra love from whatever your love sources are!
Additionally, if you are wanting to make a sweet dinner for your loved ones, or a romantic with you and your spouse, fondue is a great way to go!  If you don't have a fondue pot, don't worry, you can still swing it with a saucepan, just heat and cook on medium-medium low heat as you don't want to burn the dipping sauce.
Thank you Stacey Hutchings for the recipe! 
Cheese Fondue

8 oz Muenster cheese, coarsely grated
2 Tablespoons cornstarch
3/4 cup apple juice
1/4 cup apple cider
2 teaspoons minced garlic
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg

In a bowl or large plastic bag, combine the cheeses and and toss with the cornstarch to coat.

In a large, heavy skillet, bring the apple juice/cider and garlic to a simmer over medium-low heat. Add the cheese a little at a time, stirring well (to prevent clumping) until melted. Add salt, pepper, and nutmeg. Continue stirring until smooth (about 3-5 minutes). Set the pot over a candle and serve with the following:

boiled potatoes (canned will do in a hurry)
steamed broccoli florets
steamed cauliflower florets
toasted sourdough bread

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